1. Today waiting at a stoplight I saw this homeless-seeming guy in a stocking cap crossing the street, holding on display the cover of an illustrated children's book, like a sign: PIRATES.
2. The WoolfCamplet was fun, yet exhausting. There were kids and noise to such a level that it wasn't really possible to get a whole lot of meaningful/intellectual adult interaction going on; but it was so much fun having all the kids around that who could be bothered about it, really? I had a great time learning about parachuting spiders from Jenijen's 4 y/o Sophie, and especially delighted in host Squid's delightful baby Mali, who is the roly-poly-est little joyful bundle of cheeks and chubby bum you can imagine. I had held off all day, not wanting to scare her with my strangerliness, but at the last minute I couldn't hold out any longer and snatched her up from her busy nowhere-toddling to kiss her on one of her cherubic rosy cheeks. Mali was not only unfazed by my forwardness, but giggled and turned her head to let me kisskisskiss her under one ear, then turned the other way for symmetrical kisskisskisses under the other! Then she leaned into me- hard- in a heavy toddler hug, sighed, "aaahhhhhm," and tipped over to be let back to the floor to continue her exploratory exercises. But I'm telling you- my ovaries! Bam! The hammering of them!
3. In a classic example of morning Song-Stuck-in-the-Headitude, I woke up the other day singing the following aberrant version of the old Beatles fave, "A Day in the Life:"
"Woke up, fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head......Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way downstairs, and noticed I was drunk..."
I love this idea. You wake up, do all this stuff- get ready for the day, fix your hair, get your gear together, successfully navigate public transit- and THEN notice you're still wasted? Damn, that is some impressive a.m. roboticism.
4. Speaking of singing, do you use MySpace? Have you ever wished you could watch a little movie of me driving recklessly through San Francisco and belting a song that is called "San Francisco," while shaking my ta-tas and accompanying myself on an imaginary trumpophone?* Now you can.
* Did you watch the movie? Could YOU tell what instrument I might have supposed myself to be air-playing when I flailed my fingers around that way? Yeah, me either.
Two songs I always change are (1) the Indigo Girls' "Pushing the Needle too Far" (yeah, I hate when that happens). The lyrics go, "woke up this morning, grey dawn, with a prayer on my breath..." which I change to, "with hair on my chest."
Also, (B) when the train-is-traveling song from Disney's DUMBO repeatsrepeatsrepeats in my head, it goes, "CA-sey JU-nior's coming DOWN the track, down the RAIL-road track, nym-pho-MAY-nee-ack."
Posted by: SpleenMa | March 29, 2006 at 04:15 PM
The morning after 40's night (Tuesday) in college, walking to class i bumped into a friend who took one look at me and started laughing saying i was drunk. Feeling great for 9 AM I took little notice and continued along my merry way. 20 minutes into class, I got the spins and almost got out of the hallway before I tipped over and poured myself out - not quite what the little teapot imagined i'm quite sure.
Once I did gush "Good Morning!" at an older woman eyeing my piercings with suspicion.... at 3 PM. Wake n' Bake had confused my internal rolex.
will you be my myspace friend?
Posted by: david | March 29, 2006 at 10:52 AM
You crack me up.
Posted by: kerri | March 29, 2006 at 01:01 AM
i thought maybe a trumpet but who could really tell. the shimmy in the end really made it.
Posted by: Rio | March 28, 2006 at 01:02 PM