This post about my Thursday with Grace D's dog will be mostly all pictures and almost no text, but click the little pictures to enbiggen them! Some are very pretty! Really!
First we did lying in the sun. Malcolm likes this part and he is very good at it.
See how he likes to coordinate his toys with his outfit? Stylish!
Next, we went out for a walk, following my usual route through Arana Gulch, past the upper and lower harbors, and down to the beach. Most of the Gulch is actually a field,
and while we were walking through it a hawk began doing slow, deliberate circles above us.
I didn't want Malcolm to worry that the hawk might be looking for an adorable stub-tailed lunch, so we hid out for a minute beneath my favorite tree in all of Santa Cruz which is this one.
Along the path to the harbor I asked Malcolm to pose among the poppies.
Seems it is truly finally spring now because flowers were going all over the place.
Malcolm likes 'em!
Ever since I started walking to the harbor I have become obsessed with seabirds. My camera isn't equipped to photograph them properly but anyway here are two with their reflections.
As far as I can tell Malcolm is indifferent to birds, but he does always stop to give big lovesome hugs to every single dog/person who notices and will pet/play with him.
At the exit/entrance to the harbor is a lighthouse. The lighthouse is on a jetty, and the jetty is supported by these four-pointed Things:
What ARE they? The jetty is made up of regular big boulders on one side and, on the other, these four-pointed things, looking haphazardly dropped about like a bunch of mammoth concrete jumpin' jacks. Hooligans paint on them, lots of flowers and peace signs and other tacky hippie shit. Also they're all mysteriously stamped with numbers on one "end," as you can see in this closer-up.
I've been wanting to tell about this dredge and why it's in the middle of the harbor, but loading all these pictures has taken FOREVER and in the meantime I've become rather tipsy. So, there it is; maybe I'll write about it some other time.
Malcolm doesn't know wut the jumpin' jacks things are about, either.
Here's me with the lighthouse with my sunglasses coming off and Malcolm with a boatnabarge (get it? boat 'n' a barge? you guessed it- i am drunk now! this is some Class A blogging, buddies! you can tell cause it's makin' up words time!)
Okay, let's see. Finishing up, then.
I, Emily Elizabeth, took the following exceptional photograph of Malcolm the Valiant at the lighthouse which I effing love more than life itself.
Then we saw more flowers, then we got a burger at Foster's "Old Fashion" Freeze Ice Milk Dinners Burgers, which has my favorite sign in all of Santa Cruz,
because getting burgers is what we do on our dates (but I'm lying a little bit because actually I got a fish sandwich this time!) Then we went home and played with toys and had rubs,
and I began to have a chill because I had gotten sunburned like an idiot.
Then it became night so we snuggled. The End!
(P.S. Also it was a beautiful spring day and I miss having a dog. Okay.)