I never knew you were my neighbor until I heard a loud crash, followed by wailing through my open window on a hot Kansas night. All night. It was like a song; like a chant, peppered with further crashes, pounding of fists and stamping of feet for percussive effect at key points of emphasis. My Mormon self was very disturbed, but the pre-post-Mormon self I was already nurturing understood you somehow. I'm sure you don't remember what you said that night, but I'll never be able to forget. It was this:
I don't want to live like this no more.
I don't want to live like this no more.
I don't want to LIVE like this no more.
I don't want to live like this no more.I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry...
I don't want to live like this no more.
I don't want to live like THIS no more.. . .
I don't want to live like this no more!
I don't want to live like this no more!
I want my FAMILY!
I want my WIFE!
I want everything!
I want my LIFE!I don't want to live like this no more.
Idon'twanttolivelikethisnomoreIdon'twanttolivelikethisnomore.I'm sorry I'm sorry.
I'm SORRY I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.... . .
I don't want to live like this no more.
MORE!I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.I don't want to live like this no more.
I don't want to live like this no more...
The next morning I saw you come out your front door and cross the street straight into the liquor store. I never begrudged you that. It was too artistic to be held against you.
I suppose a lot of people will find this tale tragic, but my vote's for it being a comedy. Maybe a tragicomedy.